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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blood of the Immortal (Blood #1)Blood of the Immortal by Ashley Jeffers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this e-book from the author Ashley Jeffers in exchange for an honest opinion. This is my opinion. First let me say " Thank you ever so much " for allowing to read your vampire book!! Here an Now I am gonna tell everyone right off that I am giving it 10 fangs!!!
Now to let you all in on some of the wonderful an mystic story. You a wonderful daughter that is being treated like she is mad by both her brother. Whenever there father is away she is locked in her room an kept away from everyone.
We find the entire family doing a once over at a set of twin pyramids. Their father and step mother are in one and they are in another. However, I am being pulled into another part of the center of the pyramid. I hear a voice that is whispering to me , calling me to come to him. I follow the whisper. I find a golden door. I call my dad, when he arrives he mad as I left my brother-my step mother is scared so goes after my brother. Father an I enter - we come across a coffin in silver chains - a vampire is suppose to be resting. Father breaks the chains an we lift the lid. Zachary comes out an says aww my dear you finally found me!!! He flies off with me to an island away from my father.
Now, here my dear vamp's is where the story gets awesome!!! See my blood is very special it can kill other vampires but to my one an only soul mate ---well you will just have to read the story!!!

Ashley you have truly out done your self with this book!!! And I give you a total of 10 fangs my dear.
Please keep it- Oh yes , an please continue this story if you can....

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