My rating: 5 of 5 stars
OK so Mousiey has been real busy reading the past few days. I have a few post this morning for you. This first one up is entitled "HIS WICKED SEDUCTION : LEAGUE OF ROGUES BOOK 2 by LAUREN SMITH ..
I rec's an ARC from the author in exchange for my honest opinion of her book. This is my honest opinion. I can say that I have that I don't recall reading any of Ms. Smith's books before. With that being said, I found her writing most intriguing and remarkable. Her brought her characters to life and the scenes were very well described. Now grab some coffee and a quick nibble or two , pull up a chair. Enjoy a what mousiey has to say about this book.
As the book starts out we find ourselves with the league of Rogues. They had started calling themselves this a while back. The men have a list of rules to follow - one such rule is that you never ever take your brothers sister. That rule is there for a reason . Now Cedric has a sister that has always been in love with Lucien since she was young. Horatia will do anything to get Lucien to see that they truly belong together. But if Cedric was to find out that Lucien has feeling for her - then( well he feared him more than God ) quote from book
Now as the story continues we find that someone is out to kill everyone in the League. So for safety sake Cedric , his sisters and Lucien go to his house in Kent. The others stay in London to try an find out who is trying to do in everyone. But not all is safe. Accidents begin to happen. To see what happens next and to find out what happens between Lucien and Horatia you will need to read this amazing book. Once I started reading it - I was unable to put it down. It held my attention my very first page.I recommend this book to those above the age of 17. I rate it as a 20 out of 5 stars. Now WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ?? IT IS AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON GO GRAB IT !!! GET YOURS TODAY!!!
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