I have a book for you today that you are absolutely to going to love!! The name of the book is "SECRETS" and it is written by LYNN CRANDALL. Mousiey rec'd this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. And this is my honest opinion of her book. Ms Crandall has a unique and creative style of writing.The way she brings her characters to life with magic and emotion is truly genius.The scenes in the book are meaty and well described. Secrets has were-cats in it, humans, both good and bad, along with regular little kitty cats.
Now you know mice and cats don't get along - but this little mouse is going to give you a nibble of "SECRETS". So here yours ....
Our story opens at an apartment complex with Michelle trying to capture a stray cat she has named Madeline.See, Michelle runs Cats Alive- she captures stray cats takes them to a vet -gets them medical attention. Spayed or neutered which ever they need and helps cats find forever homes. Michelle also has another job, she works as a sec for a detective agency. This morning she is finishing up moving into her house that she just purchased. Before leaving for work she takes Madeline to the vet Lori , before she can under go surgery she has to have blood work and make sure she is healthy. When she gets to work, she learns some bad news about the house that she has just purchased. Michelle rec'd a letter stating there is a problem with the purchase of her house. She does not own it someone else does. As she searches for answers over this problem, Casey comes into her life. Unbeknown to her he is a were-cat. The leader of the colony. Michelle is able to sense something and see things in the future; as she is hypersensitive. Now Casey is working on trying to put William Carter down. Carter is working on project and he is the one that wants to hurt Michelle.This story has alot going on it - twist and turns-Secrets-mystery -love-revenge-lots of emotion. Raw emotion. This book is especially for all paranormal readers.Mousiey give Secrets a rating of 30 out of 5 stars. Now shimmer yourself over to Amazon and get your copy NOW!! What are you waiting for ??SHIMMER NOW TO AMAZON FOR YOUR COPY!!!

Mousiey Books
Now you know mice and cats don't get along - but this little mouse is going to give you a nibble of "SECRETS". So here yours ....
Our story opens at an apartment complex with Michelle trying to capture a stray cat she has named Madeline.See, Michelle runs Cats Alive- she captures stray cats takes them to a vet -gets them medical attention. Spayed or neutered which ever they need and helps cats find forever homes. Michelle also has another job, she works as a sec for a detective agency. This morning she is finishing up moving into her house that she just purchased. Before leaving for work she takes Madeline to the vet Lori , before she can under go surgery she has to have blood work and make sure she is healthy. When she gets to work, she learns some bad news about the house that she has just purchased. Michelle rec'd a letter stating there is a problem with the purchase of her house. She does not own it someone else does. As she searches for answers over this problem, Casey comes into her life. Unbeknown to her he is a were-cat. The leader of the colony. Michelle is able to sense something and see things in the future; as she is hypersensitive. Now Casey is working on trying to put William Carter down. Carter is working on project and he is the one that wants to hurt Michelle.This story has alot going on it - twist and turns-Secrets-mystery -love-revenge-lots of emotion. Raw emotion. This book is especially for all paranormal readers.Mousiey give Secrets a rating of 30 out of 5 stars. Now shimmer yourself over to Amazon and get your copy NOW!! What are you waiting for ??SHIMMER NOW TO AMAZON FOR YOUR COPY!!!

Mousiey Books
Thank you for your thoughtful review!