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Saturday, July 6, 2013

An Amazing Take of Perfectible Animals You Got to Read!!!!

I recently had the pleasure of reading a beta copy of Thomas Norwood's  "PERFECTIBLE ANIMALS' and i must say that this book is very interesting. It gives the reader a different take on life, and what can to happen our world.

 It also looks at the over all picture of our government in control of research an development. And what could happen if that would happen - but do ever wonder if isn't that what going on now?
This story is so very real, that one would believe that it is pulled front the front page of the news. The characters all fit well together along with scenes. The illness are true, the author has done alot research for this book to make it so life like. For this I am going to give him a 20 star rating and I am so looking forward to reading the final copy. Oh yes, I forget to mention he that no animals were harmed in this story.  You go Thomas!!!!!


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