This is my honest opinion of Newborn Nazi. And I do mean my honest. The characters are so well defined and described that you can actually picture them, OMG the scenes let me tell you . They are truly amazing, you can actually see them. Can you imagine picturing a Nazi youth camp or even a death camp. What about a park ?? Well, once you read this book you will see all this scenes they are described in such detail that you can see them. This story has a lot of true history in it. Ms D'Ettore has done a lot research for her book and you can tell reading by reading Newborn Nazi.
Now please pull up a chair and grab a cup of tea and some lemon cookies while I tell you about Newborn Nazi.
As the story starts out we are in the home of Hedwig and the SS officers are there to take her brother Edmond away. She is begging them not to. They yell at her and push her aside , begin to take her little brother. Hedwig yells that he is too young; she calls her husband for help. The SS officer take young Edmond to the bus, while the other deals with the couple. He , the officer takes the butt of the rifle to her husband head and kills him. Once that happens he tells her that he will be back. She says that she hates him and he says she should be careful what she says.
Now young Edmond is at the Nazi youth camp becoming a trained nazi where he has to report everything that he hears that is wrong. Like all threats to the father land. Any one saying that they will an officer or listening to the wrong thing.
Hedwig calls her brothers to tell them about her husbands death, one is involved with the American Nazi group. They help get to Germany but for a price. He gets there and sells Hedwig husband business, and then he must get her to sign a form stating she a loyal to the fatherland . He knows she won't sign it , so he signs it for her.
Now , Hedwig has vowed to kill the officer that killed her husband. Along the way she starts helping by hiding the jews that they want to take to the death camps.
I am not going to finish telling you this story. As I really want you to read it.It has so many twist and turns in it. You never know what is going to happen to Hedwig next. It is so exciting to read.
The way this book is written - the description of the characters and the scenes- the research of the book. I give the book a 30 out of 5 stars. I really that we could choose more stars for our authors.
Now before I go I have something extra for you all of you.
I ask a few questions to the author Rhonda D'Ettore and the following are her answers.
How did you come with this story??
The story is loosely based on my own family, and the last chapter is almost entirely true to what happened. Of course my family did not involve spies, but my great uncle, Edmund, really was forced into the Hitler Youth and became an SS officer. His sister did become enraged at her brother's "abduction" and vowed revenge against the Third Reich. She did join the Underground to save hundreds of lives, and Edmund in real life had to make a decision as to whether to report his sister or protect her. It sounded like a great story base.
The characters in the story - are they based after anyone??
Edmund, Hedwig, Jacob, and Alois were indeed the real names of four siblings (all are deceased now). Jacob and Alois (my grandfather) really did come to Philadelphia from Germany. And my father, Edmund, was indeed named after his uncle Edmund. I thought it a great way to honor their lives, and record their story. Although I did fictionalize most of the story-- the important part is that they did live. And because of their choices, so did many others.
Is there a favorite character that you have? and why?
Hedwig. She is feisty, but caring. She would rather do what is right than conform--even if it means risking her life. Also, she is intelligent and very sarcastic.
When did you know that you wanted to write??
I always wrote, even as a kid. After college, I become involved in writing research papers, however, I did not attempt to write fiction until February of this year.
what types of books do you write??
Believe it or not, that is a tough question. When I started writing Newborn Nazi, I intended for it to be a Historical Fiction. However, it soon turned into an espionage suspense. Thus far I have written an erotica, a workplace humor, and two historical fictions. However,like Newborn Nazi, my novel Tower of Tears involves murder, betrayal and some mystery. The female characters are strong, so it could classify as Women's Literature.By crossing genres, I hope I can increase my readership.
Can you tell us about yourself?
I grew up in the Southern part of New Jersey, in the Philadelphia suburbs. I come from a large family and earned a degree in Human & Social Services. My first novella, Goin' Postal: True Stories of a US Postal Worker, is based on my 15 years of working for the USPS. After people started reading about human head and alligators loose in the mail, my writing just took off and branched from ebook into paperback an audiobooks.
I also volunteer & donate to organizations that support children and veterans. Currently, I donate one dollar of every book sale goes to the National Military Family Association.
Is there anything that you want to tell your readers about like any upcoming books or events that you will be at??
Newborn Nazi started audiobook production this week, and I hope it will be available in a few months. I am also running a promotion for my audiobook "Tower of Tears: The McClusky Series". The first 25 people who send me proof of purchase for this title will receive a coupon to get my other audiobook, "Goin' Postal & The Creek" for FREE.
Next month I will begin co-hosting a Blog Talk Radio show entitled "The Write Way" We intend to not only promote authors, but to give indie authors valuable information about publishing, formatting and promotions.To further assist authors, I will soon be starting a "pre-made" book cover page on my site. Covers will start at just $10 for ebook covers, and changes to fonts or positioning will cost more.
Finally, I need to get started on Liam's Longing, the second book of The McClusky Series. The first book was incredibly emotionally draining and I needed to step back for a bit.The first book, Tower of Tears, depicted the tragedies some immigrants suffered when coming to America in 1820. It is a heartbreaking tale that is currently receiving excellent reviews.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. :)
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