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Thursday, February 26, 2015


Cameron Sinclair is a successful businessman, with world-wide offices. He’s a multi-billionaire with all the trappings, private jet included. But Cameron has a secret – he’s also a Wolf. A Wolf who vowed never to return to Pack life, or his birthright as Alpha.
With no choice but to answer his father’s summons, he reluctantly returns to his Highland Pack. However, two Alphas in one Pack will never do and things do not go smoothly. Cameron again leaves his Pack to aid his Uncle in the US, with several of his friends in tow.
What awaits is heartache, sorrow and the chance for a new life as Alpha of a large Pack. A life with love in it, his first sight of the white She-Wolf affecting him in ways he can’t even understand.
A deadly threat is uncovered and he and his Wolves must defend the Pack by all means necessary. When the threat is a corrupt and depraved Alpha and a horde of immortal guards, can Cameron save the Pack? And, if he does, will he want a part of it?
Or, will he do what he always does – walk away?


A K Michaels, Ava, was born in Scotland quite a number of years ago! She was married at a young age and is mother to three much loved children. After the birth of her last child she went back to higher education and studied for a year before gaining employment in the banking industry. She worked in that role for a number of years before leaving, both the job and the country.

She lived abroad for a few years before returning to Scotland and finally taking up her dream - writing.

She is the author of the Defender's Blood series of books and other series’ including The Witch, The Wolf and the Vampire, Supernatural Enforcement Bureau series, Highland Wolf Clan series and also Sabrina's Vampire, together with a Wolf Erotica Novella, Lori's Wolf. Her books fall into the Paranormal/Urban Fantasy genre and she loves writing those particular kinds of stories where she can let her imagination run wild!

She now spends her time reading - everything from Sci Fi to Crime, Erotica to Fantasy, Thrillers to Paranormal Romance. She loves spending time with her family and, of course, writing!
She has twitter, Facebook and a mailing list.


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  2. شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام هى واحدة من ضمن شركات قمة الدقة والتى هى اسم وصفة فهى افضل من يطلق عليه هذا الاسم وهذا بفضل قدراتها الكبيرة فى القيام اعمال التنظيف العام للبيوت والمنازل والشقق حيث انها تقدم خدماتها التى تشغل بال العديد من العملاء والذين يبحثون عن شركات تنظيف بيوت بالدمام ويرغون فى التعاون مع ارخص شركة تنظيف شقق بالدمام فاليكم اكبر شركة فى عالم التنظيف المنزلى والبيتى وهى شركة تطهير منازل بالدمام قمة الدقة

    كم من الوقت تحتاج اليه ربة المنزل لتنظيف بيتها ؟

    لا توجد مقاييس خاصة لوقت التنظيف المتقن فهناك ربات بيوت تسطيعن ان تنجز مهمة تظهير المنزل ومسح الارضيات وازاله الغبار فى وقت سريع واخريات يقضين اليوم باكملة ولا يستطعن الانتهاء من غرفة واحدة

    ولكن الامر الذى لا يمكن انكارة ان مهمة تنظيف البيوت حقا مهمة شاقة ومرهقة جدا وتحتاج الى وقت متسع ومجهود كبير من السيدة واما اذا كانت ربة المنزل امرأة عاملة فان القيام باعمال تنظيف السجاد وغسيل الجدران ومسح الارضيات امر ممل ومرهق

    ولهذا تم تقديم خدمات الاعتناء بنظافة المنازل وترتيبها باسعار خيالية فنحن ارخص شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام قمة الدقة كما ان شركة نظافة منازل بالدمام توفر كافة العمالة النسائية والتى تحتاج اليهن ربات المنازل كثيرا
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام


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