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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wishing Everyone a Early Happy 4th of July!!

Hi Everyone!!
 I know that everyone is probably busy getting ready for firework, and backyard fun with the family and friends. But I thought I would take a minute and wish an all a Happy and safe 4th of July. Please be creful out there. You know that the hoilday traffic can be terrible lots of accidents. Last night my hubby and I saw a bad accident on our way home. Thank goodness we had stopped to get a drink at MckeyD's for a little while- other wise we might have been caught up in it. Guess our angle was watching out for us.
 Oh yeah , I have to tell ya'll - I beta read . And at the moment I have 5 books going on at the same time. Well two of them are Thomas's . Do you know how easy it is to get them mixed up?? Duh - well I did for a few minutes- but I figured it out. I am almost done with all my little Beta's . That sounds like little fishy's . Hmm- I thinks I will call them my fishy. Naw don't think so. Mice don"t eat fish. So what shall I call them??? Any ideas???
   Any rate-- back to what we were talking about. Happy 4th everyone!! Enjoy your fireworks!!
And please if you are an author keep writing so that I can keep reading!!

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